Annual submission of research output to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)
UCT’s research outputs are submitted to the DHET for the allocation of government subsidy to universities each year. This vital process has direct influence on the amount of funding the university receives from the government.
The purpose of the DHET policy is to encourage research productivity by rewarding quality research outputs at public higher education institutions. However, the policy is not intended to measure all outputs. The intention is to enhance productivity by recognising the major types of research output produced by higher education institutions.
Research output refers to textual output where research is understood as original, systematic investigation undertaken in order to gain knowledge and understanding. Peer evaluation of the research is a fundamental prerequisite of all recognised outputs and is the mechanism of ensuring and thus enhancing quality.
As a rule, research output emanating from commissioned research or contracts, and paid by contracting organisations, will not be subsidised by the DHET (Research Outputs Policy 2015).
Each department is responsible for collecting and loading research output electronically on the eRA system.
Research output categories
There are three available categories that are eligible for subsidy from DHET:
1. Articles in DHET-accredited journals
2. Peer-reviewed books/chapters in books
3. Peer-reviewed published conference proceedings
The section below outlines each of the above listed categories in more detail.
1. Articles in DHET-accredited journals
Only original articles, research letters, research papers and review articles in DHET-accredited or recognised journals may be submitted. The qualifying journal lists can be found here.
2. Peer-reviewed books/chapters in books
Books refer to peer-reviewed, non-periodical scholarly or research publications disseminating original research on developments within specific disciplines, sub-disciplines, or fields of study. Only books that meet specified criteria are subsidised. Examples of different types of books include monographs, chapters, and edited works.
3. Peer-reviewed published conference proceedings
Proceedings refer to a published record of a conference, congress, symposium or other meeting whose purpose is to disseminate original research and new developments within specific disciplines, sub-disciplines, or fields of study. Only proceedings that meet specified criteria are subsidised.
Calculation of units
Accredited/approved journals
A research article published in an approved journal will be subsidised as a single unit, if all the authors are affiliated to the claiming institution. In the case where authors are affiliated with two or more institutions, the subsidy is shared between the claiming institutions.
Books and chapters in books
A book may be subsidised to a maximum of ten units, based on the number of pages being claimed, where relevant. Where authors are affiliated with two or more institutions, the subsidy is shared between the claiming institutions.
A guide on unit allocation for book publications:
A chapter in a book = 1 unit
a) A book of a minimum of 60 pages but less than 90 pages = 2 units.
b) A book of 90 pages and above, but less than 120 pages = 3 units.
c) A book of 120 pages and above, but less than 150 pages = 4 units.
d) A book of 150 pages and above, but less than 180 pages = 5 units.
e) A book of 180 pages and above, but less than 210 pages = 6 units.
f) A book of 210 pages and above, but less than 240 pages = 7 units.
g) A book of 240 pages and above, but less than 270 pages = 8 units.
h) A book of 270 pages and above, but less than 300 pages = 9 unit.
j) A book of 300 pages and above = 10 units
Conference Proceedings
Proceedings papers meeting the DHET criteria will be allocated a maximum of one-half of a unit (0.5) if all the authors are affiliated to the claiming institution. In the case where authors are affiliated to two or more institutions, the subsidy is shared between the claiming institutions.